Why You Must Keep Your Wealth Silent
Showing off your money can actually be a disservice to you when you’re trying to become successful. Being humble is important, as is having class. A big part of wealth is class.
TMT: A General Detox Everyone Should Try
So many people do small things to try and benefit themselves, like denying themselves a desert on some occasions. Though this may help, it isn’t an effective way of becoming truly healthy. My suggestion is having a week of detoxification.
TMT: The Mask Is Temporary (why avoidance coping after rejection can hurt you)
Suppressing feelings is an unhealthy coping mechanism used by many to avoid troubling emotions as opposed to sitting with them and trying to understand them. It is important to address your feelings instead of pushing them aside.
Worth the visit? Review on Treehoppers Aerial Park (Dade City, FL)
Here’s what to expect at Treehoppers (aerial park in Dade City, FL). There obstacles that you need to overcome up to 100+ feet in the air.
How to Develop Healthy Relationships as a Teenager
5 tips for meeting new people, having healthy boundaries, and developing your friendships.
6 Study tips for when you can’t sit still: from a person who can’t focus either
These 6 study tips are useful for those days that you blank out while trying to finish homework… or end up scrolling on your phone for an hour. I always find myself either blanking out or getting up from my desk a thousand times when trying to finish a time-consuming assignment. However, after practicing these…
Selfish GOOD: Why Being Selfish Needs to be Normalized
Selfishness Isn’t Always Bad “Selfish people suck.” That’s a common opinion, and although it may be true at times, the world doesn’t work well without selfishness. The most influential and successful people today forced their way to the top by putting themselves first. Opposite of being selfish is being selfless, and this can often mean…
Welcome to Nicole’s Everything Blog!
A Little Bit About Myself Hi, I’m Nicole, and this is Nicole’s Everything, where I share lifestyle content, travel destinations, fashion tips, self-care tips, advice, and more. I started this blog at fourteen years old, and I am now fifteen (don’t judge my content by my age!) and I absolutely love to write. I enjoy…