Worth the visit? Review on Treehoppers Aerial Park (Dade City, FL)

I went to Treehoppers, an aerial park in Dade City, FL, for my birthday. I wasn’t sure what to expect… but here’s what YOU should expect.

There are elements, or obstacles that you need to overcome up to 100+ feet in the air.


The staff is super friendly. In the beginning we were given directions on how to use the equipment. They were given really quickly, and some people seemed confused.

Fast forward to when we began and were on our own… I struggled. I didn’t know how certain metal pieces worked together, but with the help of my friends I managed. Expect to struggle with your metal clip (that keeps you attached to the main safety wire at all times) getting stuck. This isn’t a big deal though.


Note: You get 3 hours of fun!

There was a rule in place that we had to do at least 1 course in each level in order to move up to harder courses. This was a little annoying because there wasn’t all that much time, and the beginning courses left us tired (so we weren’t able to do the two hardest ones).

However, the courses were challenging and fun. They allowed for bonding and group work.

It was the perfect ice breaker for friends of mine who haven’t met yet, because they were all helping each other move forward, laughing at each other, and sharing an experience.

Waterfall Course (3rd hardest):

Don’t let the name of this course fool you; there is no waterfall. We were told that there is a zipline over a lake, and that we’d see a bunch of wildlife while zipping. A lot of people were disappointed, including myself, because there was no waterfall or zipline over a lake. There was a lake to the right of an obstacle that we went through, but that was it.

It was nice, but underwhelming. It didn’t live up to it’s hype.


I liked that we had a designated area for our group to come back to. There were picnic tables AND caterpillars falling from the trees (which are called tussock moth caterpillars and will leave you with a “stinging and burning rash”, according to thehill.com). This isn’t actually as bad as it sounds, as we were able to avoid touching any caterpillars.


Though we had a good time, younger kids may struggle and be scared on more challenging courses. Beginning with the first concern, some of my friends got bruises and scratches (those teens aren’t complaining though, they think the injury was worth the experience), so be aware that you may get hurt!

Also, go into each course with an open mind and try and keep your anxiety low.

The second problem I faced was that while on an obstacle, my zipline trolley that hung on my belt got caught on a rope, and I had to have lots of patience to get it unstuck. If I didn’t stay calm, I probably would’ve fallen because I was on a tightrope.

You need to breathe and calculate every move properly.

And lastly, that night, I was in excruciating pain. I’m athletic and work out 4 times a week, so I didn’t expect to be sore. I was fine until that evening. My forearms, knees, and back all hurt. I almost started crying because the pain was so bad, and I felt like I couldn’t move.

Know that this might happen to you (even if you think it won’t)!

My Overall Opinion:

I had tons of fun and got a good workout in. The courses helped me practice patience, coordination, strength, balance, and teamwork. I found it funny how my friends and I began by shaking the ropes while one other was on the element, yet by the end we were holding the ropes still, grabbing each other’s hands to pull one another onto the platform, and teaching each other our strategies after completing an obstacle. I was proud of how supportive my friends were and glad that they were helping each other rather than moving on their own.

The whole group had fun, and I’d consider it a success.

Should you go?

Yes. That’s the simple answer.

There are courses for every age group, and of multiple difficulty levels. It’s a thrilling experience and is perfect for anyone adventurous. It’s a great place to bond with others, create memories, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. The pros outweigh the cons, and I’d probably go there again!


5 responses to “Worth the visit? Review on Treehoppers Aerial Park (Dade City, FL)”

  1. i was there 🤭

    1. 😍🫶🏼

  2. It looks like you guys had fun. Happy late birthday though. I remember going to snowcat ridge which is basically near tree hoppers. I have never been near tree hoppers. Thanks for the honest review though.

    1. Thank you Preetish! Yes, snowcat ridge is right next to treehoppers. I want to check it out sometime!
      And of course. I’m glad you liked this post.

  3. Caroline Bell Avatar
    Caroline Bell

    OMG that looks like a lot of fun. I will definitely try it on my next trip to Florida.

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