TMT: It’s easy to start a conversation in a social setting, here are 13 ways to do so
13 ways to ease the tension and get the conversation flowing!
5 Reasons People Might Not Respect You (and how to fix that)
You discuss things that are unimportant or unmeaningful. Talking about subjects that don’t have depth make you uninteresting and may make you seem dumb. If you have nothing valuable to add to a conversation, you may come across as unintelligent. Many people enjoy complex conversations where they can learn about new perspectives.
TMT: Desire is the Biggest Motivator
I often think about motivation and its significance in my life. After thinking about it for YEARS, I finally realized that the truest form of motivation is subconscious motivation. The type that you don’t need to think too much about because it’s hardwired in your brain that you WILL reach a specific goal because of…
Making Your Goals Your Reality (5 Steps of Manifestation)
Manifestation includes a variety of practices such as visualization and gratitude, which help you attract your desires. Celebrities such as Jim Carrey and Tom Holland have manifested things knowingly and unknowingly. Carrey has stated that he wrote himself a check for $10 million in the early ’90s and dated it Thanksgiving 1995. Just before Thanksgiving,…
TMT: You might be fabricating some of your problems
Have you ever noticed that when everything starts to seem perfect in life, things begin going downhill again? Is that because life isn’t working in your favor, or because you’re inadvertently creating your own predicaments? Often times, you will subconsciously create problems that wouldn’t normally affect you, just so that your brain has something to…
TMT: Getaway or Get Away?
Traveling solely to escape your problems, and doing so repeatedly, can become unhealthy. Just like emotional shopping or spending, it creates a temporary dopamine release that will soon fade.
TMT: Live Life Loudly
People often worry too much about their public image. They hide their joy because others around them don’t feel the same way. They fear standing out, because it’s much easier to blend in and not be criticized or judged.
Why You Must Keep Your Wealth Silent
Showing off your money can actually be a disservice to you when you’re trying to become successful. Being humble is important, as is having class. A big part of wealth is class.
TMT: Distrust is a Safety Mechanism. Stop Throwing it Away.
Despite what many think, humans are naturally greedy, naturally inclined to do anything to get ahead in life. This doesn’t apply to everyone, however MANY people will gladly take advantage of others to get something.
TMT: A General Detox Everyone Should Try
So many people do small things to try and benefit themselves, like denying themselves a desert on some occasions. Though this may help, it isn’t an effective way of becoming truly healthy. My suggestion is having a week of detoxification.
TMT: The Mask Is Temporary (why avoidance coping after rejection can hurt you)
Suppressing feelings is an unhealthy coping mechanism used by many to avoid troubling emotions as opposed to sitting with them and trying to understand them. It is important to address your feelings instead of pushing them aside.