Singer/Songwriter Gabe Chachas just released “missile,” and I interviewed him on it.

Gabe Chachas certainly deserves more recognition for his creative and emotionally fueled songs.
Gabe Chachas “Monotone Summer”

I asked Gabe Chachas, an incredibly talented singer and songwriter, questions about his new song “missile,” as well as his inspirations, goals, and creative process, to better understand his music.

His honest responses in this interview will change the way you absorb his lyrics.

The Interview:

Gabe’s Inspirations

N: Firstly, I’m curious to know what inspired your new song “missile”, and how it’s significant to you.

G.C.: My new song, “missile” is about living your life with careless optimism, until you learn about mortality. I experienced this while attending a Paramore concert. A few minutes before the opening act got on stage, my dad had gotten the news about my Great-Grandmother’s passing. The sudden change in emotion had created an inner turmoil I had never dealt with before. The following day, I grabbed my guitar and wrote this song. I wrote the beginning verse and first chorus showcasing the protagonist’s blind optimism. I express this by describing blissful details in the nature surrounding them, only to realize “a missile was headed our way”. This song is meaningful to me because it depicts, in full honesty, what I was feeling at the time. I felt confusion, sorrow, and even guilt for my inability to predict it. Now I have learned no one has any control over death, and its unpredictability is a part of the human experience.

N: Do you have any idols/ who or what is your music inspired by? And what would you describe your music style as?

G.C.: In my music, I take inspiration from many artists I respect. Sometimes unknowingly, and others purposefully. I try to listen to a variety of genres in order to keep my influences fresh and true to myself. However, the main notable artists/bands I draw inspiration from are: Elliott Smith, Big Thief, Jeff Buckley, Death Cab for Cutie, Radiohead, and Car Seat Headset. These artists all have inspired me to write music that comes from the heart. If I could classify my music, I would probably have to make a genre called “Brutally Honest.” These artists all write recklessly in their lyricism. It honestly puzzles me how people are able to have conversations with them, knowing they have poured their whole heart into their entire catalogue of music. I guess I have to look out for that now.

Gabe Chachas, “missile”

Songwriting, Production, and more

N: Can you describe your songwriting process? What thoughts come to mind when writing, and how do you filter them?

G.C.: When writing to myself, I am driven solely by creativity. Before sitting down to write, I think about the real world, and fantasies that I create. Then I let the pen do its job. I try not to crash the writing process with thoughts such as “Is this even realistic?” or “Maybe I shouldn’t talk about this”. I believe it is best to let my imagination run freely, and not think twice about what I am saying. I tell myself that if you think about your feelings too hard, you start to make them up. What comes first to your heart is what is truest to you. It does not matter if the song you are writing is about real life, or simply a story you want to tell.

N: How long does it take you to produce a song, including creating the melody, writing the lyrics, etcetera?

G.C.: The best part about making music is that it is different for everyone. I personally like writing my songs on the guitar, focusing on the lyrics and chords first (with a base melody in mind). Then, after a good amount of time has passed and I am confident in the song, I begin producing it. The time it takes for me to be comfortable enough to release a song is different for every release. For example, my song, “Monotone Summer,” was written more than a year before its release. Contrastingly, “Garden Bench” was only written about a month before it came out.

N: What themes/topics do you like to write about, or does each song of yours stand individually?

G.C.: I enjoy writing about the chaotic human mind. I think about how much our environment and mental state can affect our behavior and social interactions. Usually, I come up with an idea relating to topics such as familial stress, friendships, romance, and my relationship [with] myself. I like connecting these ideas and emotions to objects or made-up scenarios. For example, in my song, “Gasoline on My Pillow” I use the act of pouring gasoline on a person’s pillow and lighting it on fire as a way to sabotage their thoughts and haunt them in their dreams.

N: How does your music reflect you as a person?

G.C.: My music reflects my innermost self. [My songs] are stories I want to tell, after all. Songs like “Killer” and “Tin Man,” however, are the closest to me. They match how I was feeling at the time perfectly with the words I expressed. 

Gabe’s Goals and Promises for the Future

Source: Gabe Chachas

N: How did you get into making music and what are your goals (your past with music and hopes for the future)?

G.C.:  The first body of music I became attached to was Declan McKenna’s 2017 debut album, “What Do You Think About The Car?”. I still revisit that album to this day; I feel a nostalgic connection to it. I started writing music in 2020 before [the covid] lockdown happened. But the more the year went by, the more I wrote. I learned how to play songs on piano such as “Gross,” an unreleased track by Olivia Rodrigo. And began talking the craft of making music more seriously, as [it was] something I really liked doing. My goal when making music is to spread that enjoyment to other people. I want the people who listen to my music to be able to feel the joy I have when writing it.

N: It is said that if you write down a goal you are 42% more likely to achieve it, so I’ll go ahead and ask you, if you could work with any artist who’d it be? And it’ll be written on this post forever!

G.C.: If I could collaborate with any artist, it would be d4vd. He is an amazing artist and I believe he will come to be a very important name in the music game. The fact that he uses simple tools that anyone has access to, and makes amazing music out of it is encouraging to beginning artists like me. People like him who make music production look like magic astound me, and I would love to experience that first-hand someday.

N: What can fans expect from you in 2024?!

G.C.: In 2024, I will try to experiment with releasing more music and being more attentive with it. I will put more thought and planning into releases, rather than just dropping what I have created.

And lastly…

N: If you were to recommend one song of yours to someone who’s never listened to your music, which one would it be?

G.C.: One song I would recommend to someone who has never heard my music before is “Tin Man.” I feel this song represents my vision as a songwriter. If someone enjoys this song, it is likely they would also enjoy my other ones. Listen to Tin Man here: Tin Man (

N: Thank you for your honest and descriptive responses!

If you haven’t done so already, go check out Gabe’s music! You’ll bless your ears with meaningful lyrics and enjoyable melodies.

Check out Gabe Chachas’s music here:

YouTube: Gabe Chachas – YouTube

Spotify: Gabe Chachas | Spotify

Apple Music: ‎Gabe Chachas – Apple Music

Boomplay: Gabe Chachas Songs MP3 Download, New Songs & Albums | Boomplay

Listen to “missile” now: missile – YouTube


19 responses to “Singer/Songwriter Gabe Chachas just released “missile,” and I interviewed him on it.”

  1. Jack Sparrow Avatar
    Jack Sparrow

    I don’t know Gabe Chachas personally but he sound like a guy I would like to get to know

    1. He’s a very authentic person!

  2. Gabe chachas is a great song artist. I have listened to his songs and felt inspired.

    1. I definitely agree, his work is inspiring!

  3. This interview is wonderful. The questions are so well-thought out and you really learn how deep and bright of an individual Gabe is. His creativity really shines through in the eloquent and poetic way in which he speaks, so it’s no wonder a medium such a music is his passion. Impressive artist and impressive interview skills by another bright and creative person. And to think, you are both so young!! Bravo and I cannot wait to see what amazing things the future has in store for you both.

    1. I really appreciate your thoughtful comment as I’m sure Gabe does too! Your support means everything and thank you again for your well wishes! 🤍

    2. I enjoyed how well reasoned this interview was, and it was nice of him to share. I found his inspirations, and goal/ promises for the future to interesting and cool.

  4. Gabes music is absolutely fire! The guy is super talented and is just a great person overall! Wish to hear more of his music in the future!

    1. It really is!

  5. this is a great interview and Gabe seems very motivated: terrific job you guys

  6. amazing singer/songwriter/producer/amazing friend:)

    1. 100%, he is very talented!

  7. He’s so real. I really hope his creative/genius mind becomes something really resonating to a lot of people.

    1. I’m sure it will! His storytelling and lyrics are very relatable!

  8. i will be checking out gabe’s music. it’s wonderful to see young people work towards a goal. good luck in your future endeavors!

    1. Thank you for your support!

  9. Go the two of you! You give me hope for future generations with the talents you have.
    It’s inspiring to see this young man start his music career at a young age.
    Best of luck to both of you.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I appreciate the support!

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