TMT: People Need to be More Mindful (and you need to set boundaries)🫸


It is awful when people are intrusive of others’ privacy and overstep boundaries.

I see it so often though, and “subtle clues,” don’t get others to step back. Direct confrontation seems like a terrible option that will only hurt you… so what are you supposed to do?

I cannot express the countless times when I’ve tried to set boundaries with someone and they disregard them completely or laugh at them. If this is your situation, please leave it (if possible).

I think the number one priority in these cases is communication. Sometimes people don’t take hints, or repeating your wishes gently won’t make a difference. It might take a long conversation to express your feelings with someone who deserves an explanation.

However, some people just aren’t meant to be in your life. They’ll keep pushing and they’ll only see their perspective. And other times, it’s not a lack of awareness, it’s just ignorance. Some people only care about what’s in their best interest, and in that case it’s best to step out of their lives.

It’s important to note that the other person may feel differently, and as if you are the “problem.” Maybe you’ve crossed their boundaries too. Make sure you fully understand their side before accepting it as your “fault.”

It may just turn out that you’re both incompatible, and if it’s difficult for both of you to have a healthy relationship, then you should end it.

You should never feel pressured to take the blame for how someone else made you feel. If someone tells you that you’re at fault, they are most likely exhibiting toxic behavior.

Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t treat you well. Although it’s easiest, ghosting isn’t the nicest way to let go of a relationship. You must acknowledge that at some point this person was your friend, your partner, or someone you valued, and you should still be the better person and be respectful. Sending them a short text is usually an effective way to do this.

Then, move on with life. It’ll only be worse for your health if you hold a grudge or talk badly about that person. Be mature and respectful, and new and healthier relationships will come your way. Staying positive will attract positive people into your life.

Credits: @elizabethprichard5

Wishing you well, Nicole. 💗

Note: The term “relationship” in this article is ambiguous and covers friendships, acquaintances, familial relationships, romantic relationships, and more.


One response to “TMT: People Need to be More Mindful (and you need to set boundaries)🫸”

  1. Preach 🙌🏻

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