The Shoebox Elf: A Poem

Trigger Warning: Some people may be sensitive to the choice of language and themes displayed in this poem. Read with caution.

Shoebox thoughts

A little elf trapped and doomed,

Climbing tirelessly to escape.

A complex mind, he’s pacing with thoughts.

Can’t stay contained.

Lifted up and out of the shoebox,

a huge world awaits him.

So much to explore; the only threat is his own mind consuming itself.

Trotting along; ignore the signs, ignore the people, ignore the noise.

He’s going to do big things.

He shall not let his mind consume him.

The night is now upon him. It is still, the air is thick, his feelings are spinning around him…

Those feelings are daggers rotating and pricking him one at a time.

Testing the waters.

There is so much to think and feel at once! How overwhelming!

But it’s only for a moment, because the sun shines again.

More joy, more splendid views. A big city and big people. The world is so wide.

Another night, more mind clutter. His tiny brain in his tiny body can’t contain the massive thoughts and emotions.

Another night, more conflicting ideas.

Whirlwind thoughts,



During the day he may have to worry about avoiding being stepped on, but nothing is worse than sitting alone with his own thoughts…

The little elf doesn’t feel safe.

Is this how humans live?

Back to his box of peace, for that’s how he remembers it to be,

He hops right in and spends the day in darkness.


He is ready to leave, he has had enough of this “comfort”.

For isolation isn’t really comfort at all.

He waits and waits and waits…

He is never let out.

He remembers the pain of the shoebox, not the peace. What COMFORT is this?!

He remembers the awful feeling of staying trapped, now hiding from what came with his new life.

But the poor little elf couldn’t escape.

Oh, how the little shoebox elf wish he had known,

You may have to protect yourself from being squashed by others; you should stray away from that harm…

But you cannot run away from yourself. You cannot hide alone and expect everything to disappear.

The End.

Second disclaimer: This poem isn’t meant to give advice. It isn’t about depression or self h*rm. It is purely about mind chatter and stress that some humans may experience and try to escape. If you are struggling with your mental health, please visit: National Mental Health Hotline | 866-903-3787. You are NOT alone and please do not stay silent if you are going through something overwhelming. Talk to a trusted person if possible. This poem is meant to inform that hiding will not help you if you are hurting.



3 responses to “The Shoebox Elf: A Poem”

  1. Wowzers I feel like I spiced up the poem

  2. This is a great poem I like the way you interpret a human’s emotions as an elf trapped. When a human is depressed they spend their life in darkness and isolation thinking that it would bring them comfort, but really they’re just deriving themselves of the beauty of life. Crazy good poem. Well written. Good job. 👏

    1. Thank you so much! 🥰
      It’s very true, isolation may bring temporary comfort, but in the long term it can become unhealthy.
      There is a difference between spending some time alone, and constant isolation. Those who isolate themselves truly are losing precious moments of life, which is why it’s important to support anyone you know going through something like this.🤍

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