Selfishness Isn’t Always Bad
“Selfish people suck.” That’s a common opinion, and although it may be true at times, the world doesn’t work well without selfishness. The most influential and successful people today forced their way to the top by putting themselves first. Opposite of being selfish is being selfless, and this can often mean being a people-pleaser. Being a people pleaser doesn’t benefit the person giving in, and usually leaves them feeling drained of their energy.
However, people don’t usually realize they are neglecting their well-being for others when trying to please them. They see it as “helping,” when it’s actually hurting themselves. Choosing selfishness doesn’t need to prompt rude behavior. Contrary to this, selfishness can result in better self-care, prioritization, and joy.
7 Ways to Be More Selfish

1. Don’t be afraid to say no. And don’t you dare apologize for it. Make your desires a priority. If you don’t feel like going to an event, say no. If you dislike how someone if treating you, verbalize it. Focus on pouring your attention into yourself and refuse things that don’t add value into your life. Learn how to say no here: 6 Effective Tips to Politely Say No (that actually work!) (scienceofpeople.com)
2. Stop overworking. It’s important to take care of your physical and mental health, which is why stress should be avoided. Overworking is a way of telling yourself that your health isn’t as important as your work and can lead to burnout. This is an example of a self-destructive behavior you should avoid.
3. Dedicate time toward clearing your mind and showing gratitude. This ties in with your mental health. Taking time to make sure you are processing your ideas is important because sometimes you may not fully grasp them. Life flies by and it’s necessary to pause for a moment to recollect your thoughts. Additionally, showing gratitude can be a great way of incorporating positivity into your life and mindset.
4. Ask for help when you need it. Humanity is built to rely on each other, and so it’s okay to receive support. Whether in your personal life or professional life, independence can be isolating. Relying on others can inspire change. As such, you shouldn’t feel bad if you need assistance in your life, and the right people will be happy to lend you a hand during tough times.
5. Ask for what you deserve. Do you deserve a raise? Ask for it. Did the barista serve you the wrong drink? Don’t feel bad asking for what you paid for! It’s important to not shy away from asking for what you deserve. Sometimes it feels challenging because we don’t want to hurt feelings or seem entitled, but if you worked for something, paid for something, or are worthy of something more, go get it!

6. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT feel bad for your accomplishments. It’s good to be humble, but you should never feel sorry for your achievements. If others are offended by your greatness, then they have no business in your life. Cheer yourself on and ignore those who are angered by your value.
7. Be confident. You may be thinking, “Confidence isn’t selfish.” However, some people view having a high self-esteem as cocky. I am here to assure you that confidence isn’t necessarily selfish. Other individuals’ perception of your confidence shouldn’t leave you feeling bad about yourself. Valuing yourself is powerful and allows you to enjoy life more. Think about what you deserve. This includes being happy and feeling secure in yourself.
Take these 7 tips with you and live to a higher standard. While you should always help others, it is important to prioritize your own well-being. Selfishness isn’t always at the expense of others and can be your self-care. I hope you enjoyed this post and visit me in my next. Love always, Nicole.
Disclaimer: all advice above is strictly opinion with no fact-based evidence. I am not a professional. Use advice at your own risk.
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