Have you ever considered starting a YouTube channel, but are unsure about it? Read on to find out if this is something that interests you. 🙂
I just started a YouTube channel- today! I have been wanting to create and share content for approximately three years now, and finally I have done it. A common misconception is that your first post doesn’t need to be all that great. Now, that may be true in some cases, but if you want to really draw attention to yourself right away, your video needs to be planned, with some sort of “storyline”. What’s the purpose of your video, and why should people watch it?
This is why I took time to think of a message I wanted to share in my first video. It is titled, “Rain. (finding joy in the ugly days)” and the message I put out was something I actually connected with. To summarize the short video, we shouldn’t wait for hard times to pass, we should embrace them. You can watch it here: rain. (finding joy in the ugly days) – YouTube
It’s a simple video, kickstarting what I hope is a successful “career” in videography for me. It’s not the best, but I’m proud of it.
Make sure you are proud of the work you upload, and that it reflects you, or else you’ll second guess your video’s worth. Below are some tips for posting on YouTube:
- Don’t expect your video to go viral right away… or even at all. It may take time, and definitely consistency for you to gain attention.
- Enjoy what you create or else it will feel like a chore.
- Less videos but better quality over more videos and worse quality.
- Share your videos on other socials, with your friends, and family to gain more views.
- Consistency is key to getting big, unless you create specific types of videos that are posted every few months (check wholesomesimon’s yt channel to get an understanding of what I mean).
- Make sure your title and thumbnail are appealing; first impressions mean a lot.
Is this for you?
Well, you need to ask yourself how much you enjoy filming/editing first. Then, what if you do go viral? Do you have the time and energy to keep on posting? Why are you posting? Is it to make quick bucks?
If you are filming and posting as a hobby, I’d definitely recommend you continue. If it’s something you aren’t willing to put effort into, then it may not be the best option for you.
In the end, it’s all about what YOU want. If this is something you want to devote your time to, nothing is in your way.
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